Sunday, February 12, 2012

Barely Back at It

I am sorry that there have not been any new posts, but to be honest I am miserable with this random back pain!  I took Friday off from work, but my doctor couldn't see me, so I took tomorrow off too.  I can barely sit, never mind stand, so cooking or baking has been beyond me.  Today I went in to work, made my sub plans, and came back to the couch, but soon I was so stir crazy that I sucked it up and went to the kitchen to make a snickerdoodle bundt. 

The side that actually came out of the pan!
I'm practically completely crippled now after the process of making a bundt cake, but it was well worth it!  You coat the bundt pan with butter (note to self: more butter next time... one part stuck!) and cinnamon and sugar, so that the outside sort of caramelizes into a crusty outside!  And the inside is very moist and tasty.  Also, there is a layer of more cinnamon and sugar in the middle - so if you're into snickerdoodles, this is the cake for you!  It wasn't too hard to make... it just was difficult for me and my sore back!  I am hoping for a doctor's appointment tomorrow so that I can get back into the kitchen and update you on more fabulous new foods ASAP :)

Snickerdoodle Bunt Cake

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